Want to become a member of CKG? We’d love to have you!

September is the beginning of our fiscal year.

Please send your check in the amount of $20 made out to The Creative Knitters Guild to our treasurer:

Sara Watkins
4407 Rosedale Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814

Please be sure to include your email and mailing address which will be used only for Guild communications.

You may also pay your dues electronically through PayPal by sending $20 to creativeknitguild@gmail.com through www.paypal.com with “CKG Dues” in the notes. Please be sure to pay as “friends & family.” You must have a PayPal account for this payment option.

Your dues cover costs for guest speakers/instructors, access to our Members Only pages, mailing charity projects and our great raffle prizes!


Meeting Location


Charity Knitting